Wanted: New name for blog, inquire within
It has come to my attention there are numerous blogs that share our name. Therefore, this site has lost its cache and drastic measures must be taken. I welcome all 10 people who read this site to suggest in the comment section possible names for the blog.
how about the blog adopts the muslim faith and changes name to Shareef Abdur-Rablog or Mahmoud Abdul-Blog
poorly written sports commentary
a sports blog with hilarious results
Sports and Metaphysics
Why Blogs shouldn't exist
3 guys a goat and a blog
i got a blog for you, a blog to far
grillin and bloggin
where college degrees go to die
blog me once , shame on you, blog me twice, shame on me
everytime you blog, a little piece of my sould dies
i had sexual intercourse with your wife/signficant other
funky winkerbean
you couldnt blog me on the blogginest day of your life even if you had an electrified blogging machine
this blog frightens and confuses me
what the world doesnt need is blogs annoying blogs, it's the only thing that there's just too much of
this blog trancends society
who is to say what is blogworthy, what with all our modern ideas and technology
i may not know much about bookreadin' or eating in a fancy resteraunt but i sure as hell know how to blog
give me blog or give me death
i may not agree with your blog but i'll defend to the death your right to blog it
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